Fortunately, if you know a few of the top tips with regards to how to gain weight with a proper workout plan, you can be on your way to success.
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Let’s go over what you need to know.
*Use Compound Lifts
The first quick tip to remember if you want to gain weight fast is to make sure that you’re using compound movements. If you’re only using isolation exercises as you go about your workout routine, you are not going to get nearly the same hormonal response as you would with compound movements that help you gain weight, and you also aren’t going to get the strength gains you should either.
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So many guys go into the gym and perform bicep curl after bicep curl or do five different tricep isolation exercises and then wonder why they don’t see results.
If you want to make progress, focus on the ‘big’ exercises that use more than one muscle group at once. These are the ones that will bring you the best success.
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