Golf Fitness – What is Involved in a Golf Workout Program For Duffers?

Golf is a physically demanding sport. While not as physical as other sports like football, basketball or baseball, golf indeed requires a coordinated series of body movements designed to create a perfect strike on a golf ball at the fastest possible speed Best Phentermine Over The Counter. That is the goal of every golf swing and is undeniably physically demanding.

Think about how many full swings you execute during a normal round and the pre-round warm up? If the average golfer (average score 99) has 38 putts per round, then that leaves 61 full swings that counted. If they use just one practice swing for each shot that doubles the number to 122 Where to buy SARMs online. The average bucket at the driving range has about 50 golf balls. If they did the recommended pre-round warm up that brings our total full swings to about 182. All within about a 5 hour time span!

That level of activity is certainly physically demanding. We can therefore conclude that those who are fit for golf can play better golf over those 182 full swings than someone who is less fit.

You need to be in shape for golf. But how do you do that? What does it take? If you are like me you are not a gym rat or a health nut sarms for sale. You don’t work out regularly already or gym membership. You are not entirely out of shape but you’re not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination. Yet you still know you need to work on improving your fitness for golf to play better and lower your handicap.