Common Causes of Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

There are many causes of pain directly under the heel. Perhaps the most common cause is called plantar fasciitis. This is also commonly known as a heel spur. Whatever name you call it, the evaluation and the treatment remains the same. This discussion will include the anatomy of heel pain the treatment alternatives and what you can expect during your recovery.

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The plantar facial band is a tight ligamentous structure on the bottom of the foot, which helps to hold up the arch. It begins directly underneath the heel and is attached to the bone (calcaneus). At the origin under the heel it is about 2cm in width. It then travels out towards the toes and broadens out. Just before reaching the toes, it splits into 5 slips with each slip going into a toe. You can see that the weakest point of the entire structure is at its origin in the heel where it is so small.

The bony alignment of the foot serves as the structural framework, which supports your arch. If for any reason this framework begins to flatten out (pronation), then the plantar fascial band has to help by resisting this abnormal flattening. Since the origin of the fascial band under the heel is its weakest point, the greatest stress will be transmitted to this site.